Curriculum Vitae

Antonia Zafeiri is a psychologist, graduate of the Panteion University Psychology Department (holder of a psychologist’s license). She has been trained in cognitive analytical psychotherapy, applied behavioral analysis and diagnostic tests. She has worked in private psychotherapeutic centers and public institutions as part of internship (Family Therapy Unit of Psychiatric Hospital of Attica, Eginition Hospital). She has attended a variety of seminars and participates in publications at conferences on psychology. She maintains a private office where it provides individual psychotherapy sessions to children and adults.
For Adults
√ anxiety (panic attacks, generalized anxiety)
√ depression, bipolar disorder
√ Difficulties in interpersonal relationships (family, family)
√ Critical life events (mourning, divorce, illness)
√ psychosomatic problems
√ dependencies
√ Parent counseling
√ self-awareness

For Children
√ behavioral problems
√ phobias
√ Difficulties in the school environment
√ Low self-esteem
√ Difficulties in parenting children
√ Personality Assessment (MMPI)
√ professional orientation tests
√ school readiness test

Don't be afraid
Open your Soul

Frequent questions
Many people come to the psychologist after signs of anxiety, depression, or others that affect their daily routine. With the aim of relieving symptoms, thoughts, feelings and behaviors that prevent the individual from working in the everyday life are explored and different ways of managing the problems are proposed. Often, the symptoms that presented, are the reason for entering into a process of self-exploration and psychotherapy to help the person to become better acquainted with himself and to evolve.
So, when the symptoms settle down, the initial question, eg “how do I get rid of panic attacks?” Is “how can I manage to get life satisfaction?”.
Psychotherapy is a talkative treatment in which a therapist and healer within a climate of acceptance and trust agree to work towards meeting the healer’s demands.
The therapist, combining his / her knowledge and experience, puts the right questions in order to help the healer find his / her “truths” and evolve.
We would say that psychotherapy moves on two axes. Initially, the therapist helps the patient to identify patterns of behavior that do not help him and find other ways to get out of the deadlocks that have occurred.
At the same time, the relationship between the therapist and the healer is a safe framework, which the healer’s difficulties will be mirrored and will “take a different answer”.
An example would be the difficulty of a person to enjoy relationships. In the treatment we are exploring thoughts such as “I must always satisfy others” or “if I express my real feelings the others will reject me” and we find together different ways of interacting so that he can express himself in relationships and be linked qualitatively.
It is possible, in the above example, that the patient is trying to satisfy the therapist by not objecting to his interpretations or suggestions, or by trying to show him only his “good” pieces for fear of being rejected. The reference to the way in which a therapist and a healer are related, is an important point for the patient to be able to experientially enjoy the relationship beyond the ways he used and so far did not help him.
The treatment aimed at relieving symptoms is usually of short duration (20-25 sessions).
However, research shows that a short psychotherapy does not prevent the recurrence of symptoms in the future.
Continuing psychotherapy after relief of symptoms is important to investigate the personality elements and the way that the person affected by his relationships with the important others in the past “built” himself.

The passage of adolescence in the modern social environment
Adolescence has always been a very important phase in a person’s life characterized by intense concerns and controversy. The physical

Narcissistic personality disorder: the dominant rewarding roles and their effect on the healing relationship.
The term “narcissistic personality disorder” comes from Narcissus (mythical face), who, known for his beauty, enjoyed admiring mirroring a lake
” What is happiness ? Live all the miseries.
What is light? Look at all the darkness with the unobtrusive eye. “
N. Kazantzakis